Fuliano and Meiying, to a large extent, attracted groups of tourists and became popular tourist attractions through the lenses of photographers represented by Tian Shensan before. In a sense, Fuliano and Meiying, like Tuscany, Provence and other regions, urge people who love nature and photography to come in different seasons and different weather, pressing the shutter to capture the beautiful scenery of that moment. Today’s trip will move to Meiying. Starting from the two different routes of the Twinkle Bus Meiying, we will visit the beautiful patchwork scattered in the fields. We will also explore the lavender of Futian Farm, Sasaki Farm and the magical American horses and cows. There were still two accidents in one day. Do you want to know what happened? The answer is below.

Friday, July 27, 2012, Fuliano Miying, Fuliano Miying Nakato [Day 3 with Fuliano Miying’s 4-day weekly coupon] Key words: Ken & Mary Tree/Seven Stars Tree/Beixiqiu Prospect Public/Xinyaoqiu Prospect Public/Tuozhen Pavilion/Four Seasons Caiqiu/Futian Farm/Sasaki Farm/Meimanniu

At 8:02, I still got up early in the morning and arrived at Fuliano Station to catch the 8:18 train to Meiying. Today, I want to stay at the home stay of Meimanniu, so before leaving, I returned the room key to the tour owner and checked my luggage. It is agreed to pick it up around 6 o’clock in the evening. Breakfast is served at Kiosk Convenience Store at the station, Itoyuan Tomato Juice (Ideal) [105yen], Salmon Rice Tumps (Hand Rolls) [105yen], Vegetable Sandwiches (Wild Vegetables) [200yen]. The morning sun was still hiding in the clouds, and the air was slightly entrained with fog. At the time of departure, I carefully looked around the hotel, as if they would disappear soon.

8:54 キハ150気動車2辆编组载着我们 经过 中富良野、上富良野、美马牛,抵达了 美瑛(びえい)。美瑛町(びえいちょう)位于北海道中部,上川盆地与富良野盆地之间的丘陵地带,面积约677平方公里,山林占全町面积的70%,农地占15%的比例。美瑛车站是JR富良野線沿线区域的集散点,普通列车约每小时一班往返于北端的旭川市。设有两个对向式站台。站内设有工作人员,还有JR票务柜台(みどりの窓口)。

车站与附属的仓库建筑使用被称作”美瑛软石”的凝灰岩作为外墙装饰。丰田汽车、国铁广告,及早安少女组的宣传片都以此站作为拍摄背景。站前广场是美瑛町的中心,包括观光案内所(四季情报馆)与自行车出租铺子、便利店、药局都在广场周围。车站内也有挂中文服务牌子的台湾MM提供游客问询。Twinkle Bus的上车地点就在车站外左侧,有块竖排子,非常好认。

9:20 陆陆续续随着其他游客一起先后登上Twinkle Bus美瑛号丘陵路线(ツインクルバス美瑛号丘コース)的车。坐定位子后前后左右四下张望着,这车的游人大多来自日本、台湾、华南,不多久闽南话、日语和广东话,就开始在车厢里热闹地交织着。今天的导游小姐的制服打扮很精神,之前我们亲眼看到她用吹哨的方式提醒司机从停车场倒车出来的过程,给我们留下了深刻的印象。她是用不同频率的哨子音来提醒司机车后障碍物的远近,就和倒车雷达一样。动作声音都可以用专业来形容。上车后她照例询问了每个座位的国籍并做好记录,分发给不同客人相应语言版本的路线说明书。

9:27 巴士慢慢来到第一处景点,Ken & Mary之树(ケンとメリーの木)。很多人以为这个景点就是由一棵叫Ken、一棵叫Mary的树所组成的,其实不然。正确的名称由来是昭和47年(1972年)日产第四代汽车SKYLINE拍摄的”愛のスカイライン”广告在此取得景。迷人的风景和广告主题曲曾经风靡日本全国,拥有无数粉丝。广告中出场的男女主角的名字分别叫Ken与Mary,所以这棵树就被称为KEN & MARY之树。据说这棵杨树有30米高。在树的对面还有一间Ken & Mary民宿,在民宿的院子里保存至今的日产公司第四代SKYLINE汽车,成为很多人勾起旧时回忆的一处景点。这趟仅55分钟的浓缩版拼布之旅,从行程安排上看有几处如Ken & Mary之树等景点,只能通过车窗来欣赏。无法像通过自驾或者租借自行车的方式可在路边停车,近距离地感受一番。但相反随着巴士不断的上下坡,惊喜在不经意的出现在眼前,左边或者右边。导游用日语会引导游人观赏每一处景点,由于车上没有坐满,我和爱人分别待在一侧窗户,不停的一会在车左侧,一会又挪到右侧,令人乐此不疲。

At 9:35, some scenes could not be recorded through the camera, while others could not present the most beautiful angle due to the reflection of the car window. The Seven Stars Tree (Wood) is a scene that was almost forgotten. As the most famous tree in Meiying area, it stands beside the road of patchwork road and is a household name scenic spot. This leafy tall tree, named after the 1976 Seven Star Cigarette Memorial Packaging Box, has long since vanished in advertising, but the magic story it brings has been preserved for a long time. The tree is graceful and has a height of more than 10 meters. What it brings to people is the power brought by a simple charm. It is said that in the previous route, tourists could be arranged to come down and take photos with this famous tree. I do not know why the itinerary was updated and changed to enjoy it in the window. I remember seeing a photo of a traveler before. There was an eye-catching Chinese sign on the bus of this route, which said, “Please be careful not to enter Huatian, please observe the boarding time”. It is completely written for unconscious Chinese tourists. Perhaps the selfless mood of Chinese tourists has affected other tourists, so get off the bus to enjoy it and change it to window to enjoy it. It is hard to imagine that just because a tree becomes a scenic spot, it is a happy thing to be a tree in Meiying.

The next window scenic spot is Zizhi (Zimu). Only the word Family Tree was understood by us in a series of Japanese commentary by the tour guide. The distance is long, the reflection is somewhat strong, and the shutter is not pressed. The child is made up of three cypress trees. The small tree in the middle of the guardians of the two big trees on both sides looks like a parent-child, because it is named “Zizhi”. If in winter, the wilderness is covered with silver, only pine and cypress stand proudly in the snow, which looks like a small family supporting each other from a distance.

At 9:46, our bus stopped at the North West Hill Prospect Public (Hill). This open public park covers an area of 5 hectares and is the most wonderful viewing park in Meiying area. Lavender, sunflower, corn poppy, big Persian chrysanthemum, sage and other flowers are planted here, all over the park, with faint scent.


这里我们有18分钟时间可以下车参观。赶紧随着人群登上展望台,这里的人气可以用爆棚来形容。拍照需要见缝插针,照完下去发现一大片金灿灿的向日葵花田,兴奋之极。7月份向日葵花盘的直径还尚未开到最大,蜜蜂专注于采蜜,丝毫不理会游人的快门。这里观光案内所及纪念品商店生意极好,碍于时间短暂,没来得及闲逛。据说属菊地晴夫、阿布俊的摄影画廊里的明信片最受欢迎。此外,生玉米也是人气商品,一口咬下去甘甜多汁。当然这都是旅友们的评论,没机会亲自体验了。北西の丘展望公園是美瑛拼布之旅骑单车路线的起点之一,如果时间充裕的花,不妨在这里租一辆自行车来游览美瑛的美景。10:20 丘陵路线的行程渐渐的进入尾声,途径美马牛小学校之后,我们最终回到美瑛车站。导游小姐照例非常礼貌地边答谢边鞠躬。丘陵路线行程短暂,但景点密集,更适合自驾车或者骑车游览,可以停停走走才最能体会美瑛的魅力。而这份田野中的宁静,不可多得。不过要是大伙都选择开车,这份宁静的美是否还会在那里是一个疑问。

I have to insert a topic here to mention the issue of international driver’s license. The English name of the international driver’s license is IDP, which is a translation certificate proving that the driver holds a valid domestic driver’s license. It is formulated to help the driver avoid possible difficulties while driving in other countries. At present, overseas countries that recognize Chinese driver’s licenses include developed countries such as the United States, Britain and Canada, but do not include Japan. Hong Kong and Taiwan compatriots can rent cars in Japan after completing certain formalities before entering the country. Mainland compatriots can choose to rent bicycles or take Twinkle Bus.

At 10:25, wander around the small shops around the station, waiting for the next trip to Tuozhen Pavilion. Many foreigners in the sightseeing case were still gesticulating to the clerk with maps of bicycles. Looking at the head, he should be a master climber with quite good physical strength.

10:45 登上另一辆Twinkle Bus美瑛号另一外挑拓真馆路线(ツインクルバス美瑛号拓真館コース)巴士。导游小姐照例开场一边礼貌地鞠躬一边做着自我介绍。很快我们驶离美瑛车站,进入一座山丘之中,窗外的景色不断变化着。我们不敢放松,左右两边的景色生怕错过。新栄の丘展望公園(しんえいのおかてんぼうこうえん)在我们的车窗前方匆匆经过,这里有美瑛地区少见的落叶防护林带,一排苍翠的长龙横卧在广袤的大地上。10:55 很快我们就来到 拓真馆(タクシンカン)。这里的主人公是已故的日本著名摄影大师 前田真三(まえだしんぞう)。1922年生于东京的前田,战后在一家商事任职达18年。为了接近大自然,1967年,45岁的他放弃一切世俗,全身心地投入到他所迷恋的摄影事业中去。前田对自己有着极高的要求,规定每天必须拍摄70张底片的定额任务。1987年他将废弃的旧千代田小学校舍的体育馆改建为摄影作品的写真馆,免费开放共民众来参观。如果用一个词来形容参观后的感受,就是”震撼”,馆内的作品都是把美瑛最迷人的一面展现给大家,冬天冰雪覆盖,很难想象在冬天的北海道在犄角旮旯的地方躺着或者挤着身子长时间取景曝光的画面。

1998年前田因心脏疾病去世,享年76岁。其长子前田晃(まえだ あきら)继续其父亲的摄影工作。馆内需要脱鞋后方可进入,且禁止摄影,虽然进门处仍有不自觉的游客,基于不丢咱们大陆人的脸,还是遵守规则吧。在网上找到几张前田的作品和肖像,欣赏之余再次向这位已故的杰出大师致以敬意。部分摄影作品可供出售,价格惊人。馆内也有明信片出售,以前田真三和前田晃的摄影作品作为不同题材的明信片,实在会让人挑到眼花缭乱。豪不犹豫拿下一套[660yen]。在拓真馆的侧后面,白桦林散步道和周边田野是容易让人遗忘的角落,即使是短暂的停留,薰衣草风景绝对不可错过。微风拂面,花草飘荡摇曳,留下的是淡淡的清香。11:28 上车继续前往下一个景点四季彩の丘 (しきさいのおか)。这里的花田面积达7公顷,视野辽阔。这花历从5月一直到10月,就是一个花的乐园。入口处放着一个钱币箱,花田维护费200yen,属于自愿性质认捐。没有人去投币,也没有人提醒。入口处的商贩很多,各种纪念品和当地土产。由于参观时间只有宝贵的15分钟,所以没有花时间去逛这些卖店了。稻草人吸引着游客争相拍照,仔细看好像是一苦瓜脸,一副天天那么多人来打扰吃不消得表情。接近正午,光线充足。由于这里花田面积十分庞大,对于年长或小朋友,景点提供几种代步工具可供游客自行选择,四季彩NOROCCO号(拖拉机巴士),以最佳路线巡游,领略山丘、雪山、花圃的结合,途中停车一次为拍照时间。全程15分钟500yen/人。此外还有自驾单人蹦蹦车,类似四轮越野摩托,绕着白桦园一周500yen/人。还有适合家庭的四座游览车,有点像高尔夫球车,15分钟200yen/车。

Not far from the entrance is a patch of lupin fields. Lupinus polyphyllus is also called Lupinus polyphyllus. Whorled racemes, closely arranged at the top of branches, up to 60cm long, are butterfly-shaped. A crimson flower field is very conspicuous. This flower is called Fu Zi, formerly known as Qu Mai, and is one of the “Seven Grasses in Autumn” circulating in Japan. The flower got its name because of its small size and lovable. The flower language is: Always love me. The purple flower field below looks like lavender, but its color is more gorgeous than lavender. Because most of the small head inflorescences gather to grow into spikes and are whip-shaped, they are called Liatris Spicata, and have a very vivid alias, called Cat Tail Flower. Originated in the United States. The snake whip chrysanthemum has a long period of time, the stem of the flower stands upright, and the color is clear and beautiful. It not only has the beauty of natural flower materials, but also has a beautiful flower implication. If you run further inside, this is the flower carpet of the four seasons colorful hills that often appears in travel magazines. It is extremely gorgeous. The Four Seasons Color Hill is the best answer to what is a quilt trip.

There is a shop at the gate of the park, which strongly recommends lavender ice cream () [300yen]. Light lavender aroma, Soft Cream is soft and smooth, not sticky, and melts in the mouth. The disadvantage is that it is easy to melt, and there should be no additive such as coagulant. Lavender ice cream can also be bought in several scenic spots such as Futian Farm and Sasaki Farm, but the taste cannot be compared with that of the Four Seasons Colorful Hills. It is said that there is also an alpaca pasture in the park. Limited by time, we had to turn back to the parking lot step by step. At 12: 30, the Twinkle Bus Meiying Tuozhen Pavilion route returned to Meiying Station, and the whole trip took 1 hour and 40 minutes. According to the plan, we will take the 13:02 train to Futian Farm in the afternoon. There is half an hour’s lunch time near the station. Use your taste to experience Meiying again. There are really not many shops around Meiying that can be visited. Originally, I planned to eat buckwheat noodles on a day of 1 Ding Mu in this town. However, there was a sign at the door of the store saying that it was closed. Finally, I chose the Meiying Curry House in front of the station (before Meiying) to solve the problem. I ordered a curry beef set meal [680yen]. The set meal includes bread and udon noodles made of Meiying flour, a slice of Meiying cattle, and the side dishes are potatoes, eggplants and sweet potatoes made by Meiying. The beverage is Meiying’s fresh milk. In addition, I ordered a flavored udon noodle [400yen]. At 11:57 JR Fuliano Fuliano Miying Norroko () 3 Sightseeing Slow Train slowly pulled into the station. After a short stop, it drove to Fuliano Station at 13:02. Our destination was to get off at Lavender Flower Field Temporary Station (HAT) and go to Futian Farm. Since I accidentally took Norroko 1 yesterday, I am no stranger to this car. This train is known as “the slowest train in Japan” in Japan. People who are accustomed to the fast-moving speed on Shinkansen can sit on this slow old car, look at the boundless scenery on both sides, and experience a different kind of leisure and comfort. It is modeled on the appearance of passenger cars except in the 20th century and has strong European color. From the rolling hills, the magnificent mountain scenery of Shishengyue and Lianfeng at the far end, the picturesque nature can be seen in a glance. It was because the afternoon was too hot that there were not many people on the bus. Open the semi-open window and the breeze gently. Just after lunch, I was sitting in the thud carriage and felt sleepy. Keep your eyelids on hold and take the time to write some more postcards. At 13:40, the train passed through Meimaniu and Shangfuliano and arrived at Lavender Huatian Temporary Station (Hata). The passengers on the bus basically got off here, and Futian Farm was the only destination. As it is a temporary station, the station is built on the edge of the field. There is no obstruction to the view here, from far to near, from mountains and rivers to fields, which makes people relaxed and happy. It is a 7-minute walk to Futian Farm. This temporary stop is only available in summer (June 9-August 31) and is only stopped by Norroko Sightseeing Slow Bus. The only one-day stop at this station is up and down (Fuliano, Asahikawa direction) 3 times each. If, unfortunately, you do not calculate the time accurately and do not catch up, you can only take a bus to Zhongfu Liangye to stand down and then walk there, but the walking time takes 25 minutes. Therefore, special reminders should be made to remember the time.

Futian Farm (Futian) is located in Beixing District, Fuliano Town, Kongchi Prefecture, Hokkaido. It is a flower farm and is mainly famous for its large area of lavender fields. The farm has various facilities to make flower products such as dried flowers, perfume and soap. Because the area of the flower field is quite vast and the color is bright. It has become an important tourist attraction for tour groups. It is also a must for Hokkaido tourists. As soon as the station came down, you could see the purple on the hillside of the farm. The parking lot at the entrance is hung with a “full car” notice, and the green balloon that can be seen from a distance is the shop selling Xizhang famous cantaloupe. Buying watermelons and eating cantaloupes in Japan is a luxury. No matter how much they are sold, they are sold on jade. Jade is a cut melon. How much money did you forget? In order to travel, I bought a cantaloupe ice cream [300yen], which tastes sweet and greasy. Personally, I don’t think it is worth recommending. At 13:59, I came to the farm’s most famous colorful flower field (Caihata), which is a frequent visitor in movies and TV plays. Led by lavender purple, seven colors of flowers spread all over the hills, like seven colors of rainbow, which is the symbol of Futian Farm. Whether it is purple lavender, cornflower, peach high snow wheel, green mint, white baby’s breath star or yellow wheat ears and other flowers, they are displayed neatly along the natural slope of the flower field, just like rainbows, which makes people intoxicated. On one side is a wooden outlook trail and viewing platform created by using the space of the forest, which is called the forest house (Senshe). The first floor of the forest house has a selling shop and a rest area, and the second floor is a viewing platform. Stand high and look far, climb up to see what is going on. The scenery is very different from each angle, and there are sunflower fields behind. At 14:29, I saw another scene in the field of flower people (flower people’s hata). The tapestry was arranged in a circular arc shape. Besides lavender, there were also snapdragon grass, marigold, etc. At 14:46, walking inside is Xingzhi Huatian (Xinghata), which is made up of four different lavender types, including thick purple, early opening, Qiu Zi, sheep hoof and Huazao rock. 14:58 If the feeling of the lucky flower field is slightly sparse, then what we see when we cross the road and come to the traditional lavender flower field (hata) on the hillside can be described as lush and luxuriant. When the cool breeze blows, the purple sea of flowers rises and falls one after another. Butterflies are flying happily among the flowers. The fragrance and tranquil fragrance make people intoxicated. The beautiful scenery between heaven and earth is like a noble and elegant watercolor painting. Considering that we have to continue to rush to Sasaki Farm, we have hurried past the dried flower shed, the colorful flower fields in autumn and the colorful flower fields in spring, which are the largest dried flower display space in Japan. However, the distillation house of Japan’s only distillation factory where lavender extracts essential oil has to give up and stop detouring, hoping to visit again next time.

On the left side of the following figure are oriental poppy in the colorful flower field in spring, sage in the colorful flower field in autumn, and lavender lemonade () [200yen] on the right. The bottle design of this soda is very interesting. There is a blue glass bead on the bottle mouth. Before drinking, you need to press it into the bottle with the protruding part of the lid. On the side, the bottleneck is shaped like an hourglass. When drinking, blue glass beads float up and down in the middle. Reluctant to bid farewell to Futian Farm, I passed the Forest Garden Art Museum on the way. The small room in the ticket office was wrapped in green plants and looked quite cute. 15:59 As Sasaki Farm is located close to Zhongfuliano Station, considering time and physical strength, we plan to take a taxi directly to the entrance of Futian Farm. After showing the driver the map and confirming the route, we got on the bus. It takes seven or eight minutes to drive, and it takes [1150yen]. This section of the road has no other means of transportation except walking and taxis. In different seasons, the colorful fragrance has its own unique flashes. Lavender of different colors such as Okamurasaki, sheep hoof and Hanamoyiwa emerge from early summer. Visitors here can enter the flower fields and experience the pleasure of picking lavender. Take flower baskets and scissors and pick them at will in the designated area. The farm also sells all kinds of handmade products related to flowers, of which dried lavender flowers are the most popular. In addition, there are varieties such as Lu Binghua, poppy flower, sage with pink calyx, cosmos chrysanthemum, rose, etc. On the left side of the following figure are a string of white herbs, and on the right side are a string of red herbs and marigold flowers. There is a viewing platform on the hillside. After climbing, you can see Shishengyue Lianfeng and Fuliano City in the distance. To walk back to Zhongfu Liangye, one needs to walk straight from a path in the forest, confidently holding maps and navigation, and easily downhill along the dirt road. Mountain tourists are still carrying baskets to experience picking lavender with their own hands. The flower fields here are planned to be picked by tourists in batches and months, so tourists are concentrated in the specified flower fields. Walking across the road is an unmanned path. After crossing a forest, it is the place where farming tools are placed. Walking straight is a broken end road. I was wondering when I looked around. The sudden scene made my lover and I gasp. It turned out that we went the wrong way and entered a cemetery by mistake. Free travel is also accompanied by legal visits, which is really a great value. Nanwu Amitabha Buddha disturbed your gods to rest. It was an accident. Step down quickly. The greening and maintenance workers on the street are busy, greeting and asking for directions. After being instructed, they finally found the right way down the mountain. The path down the mountain is much narrower than the wrong one just now. I can’t see my head when I go into the forest land. I feel very quiet and the temperature is a little lower. It may be the psychological effect after I enter the cemetery by mistake. A logger is working. We looked at each other and greeted each other. This is a long dirt road with steep downhill, which is quite stressful to the knees. Thank God for the fine weather. If it rains, this road will be really difficult. Down to the bottom of the mountain, the dwellings of the residents gradually increased. Return to Fuliano at 16:51 and take the ordinary train (designation 735D) to Fuliano at 17:29. Get off the bus and return directly to SUMIRE-INN, Fuliano Homestay, to pick up the luggage. The boss is already helping us to carry the luggage out. It was OGIN who sent us out, still looking. I made up some snacks and water in the opposite supermarket. When I returned to the station, I couldn’t catch the 18: 00 train and had to wait for the next 19: 07 train. The old mother selling buckwheat flour at the station has already started to close the stall. Well, the buckwheat flour at Fuliano Station may never be eaten again.

Let’s make a hint here. If you transfer between different cities within one day, you can use the Coin Locker (i.e. Coin-operated automatic storage cabinet) in the station. According to the size of the cabinet, the storage price ranges from 200yen to 700yen. First select the corresponding storage cabinet, plug the plum, then throw in enough coins, close the door and pull out the key of the cabinet, then it is OK. The storage cabinet will automatically start timing, and the storage time limit is until the end of the operation of the station on the same day (the last train leaves).

The reason why luggage is stored in Fuliano instead of Meiying Station, which is closer to the residence, is mainly based on two considerations: First, Meiying Station and Fuliano Station on Fuliano Line are both small stations, so the number of Coin Lockers is much less than Sapporo and Asahikawa, especially the number of large-size Lockers that can place luggage. There are a lot of tours along the route. If you drag the box to take risks, you will be embarrassed if there is no empty Locker. Second, the distance between Meimaniu and Meiying and Fuliano stations is not far. Under the condition of using travel tickets, one more walk at a good time can save Locker’s expenses.

19:39 JR Fuliano’s ordinary train (designation 738D) to Asahikawa arrived at Meiniu and the moon was already rising high. The station was officially used on September 10, 1926 (the 15th year of Dazheng) and has been in use for more than 80 years now. As it is an unmanned station, you need to go to the front door of the driver when getting off, and get off after checking the tickets. Carrying luggage through the railway, after walking through a short section of gravel road, is the main road. Under Pixing Dai Yue, only the two of us were dragging our luggage. The streets in the countryside were very cold and cheerless at night, only the sound of dragging the luggage. Just walked through a section of downhill road, and when I was driving up the hill road, a car came across at a very slow speed. Finally, we stopped in front of us. The driver was an old man, whose words were not high. He got off the bus and asked us if he was going to the hostel. Yeah, but how did he know? Only after asking did I know that this was the owner of the hostel. He came to meet us at the station in person. After he helped to load our luggage onto the bus, he took us to the hostel. The uphill road was very long, and we were really overjoyed when we were sitting in the car. I am extremely grateful.

In May, when I wrote an email to book a home stay, I stayed around 6 pm. Nazhi missed the train he had planned to take today and was late. At this time, I met the boss on the road who came to pick us up. It can be inferred that when the previous bus arrived, he must have taken it over, but he did not receive it. So after the next bus arrived, he tried to pick us up again.

We ordered dinner at the hostel. After arriving at the hostel, the boss asked us to put down our luggage and wash our hands to eat. God, I didn’t even pay the room fee, but I had a hot meal first. What kind of treatment is this! Our table in the living room is already full of colorful plates and dishes, and the table next door is full of 6 guests who are almost finished. Listen to the accent is Taiwan compatriots, are young people. Their itinerary is opposite to ours. They went to Otaru first and then came here, then to Sapporo. They bought a bunch of fireworks and ran to the yard to put them away happily after eating them. We watched as we ate. From roasted pork belly to local vegetables, we were filled with exquisite delicacies one by one. The boss’s family lives on the first floor and the guest rooms are all on the second floor. There are 2 bathrooms, vending machines, coin washing machines, dryers, etc.

The stairs are full of wooden signs left by students from various primary and high schools. From Sendai to Chiba, many students have lived here. The room is represented by the name of fruits and vegetables. The harmony room we live in is called tomato. There are big windows on both sides and the cool wind blows gently at night. The voice of summer insects will accompany us through this night, beautiful horse and cow, this strange and literal name! As it is getting late, the true face of the beautiful horse and cow will be presented to you at dawn tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will bid farewell to Fuliano Miying and go to Asahikawa’s Asahiyama Zoo to watch the vibrant small animals in this zoo in Japan’s northernmost part, experience the ancient local culture in the seaport city of Otaru, and once again experience the charm of Sapporo. Good night, everyone.