If the final belief…
It is the thought that makes everything troublesome, as simple as the opening of a flower…….
So, I know, one day, standing in front of you, I just smiled……
Why Thailand?
The first stop of the overseas tour was handed over to Thailand. At the beginning, there was no intention of longing for it for a long time and stirring it.
Just a friend asked in July last year: Doudou, the air ticket to Thailand and Guangzhou next March is very cheap, will you go?
Doug gritted his teeth, well, buy it, in case he can’t go, the air ticket will be cancelled……
It is crazy to overdraw in July and take a holiday in March of the following year. It is a reality to ask for leave with the boss at the end of February. I still remember vividly the fact that I took a four-day leave on National Day and got cold face from the boss. However, when Doudou said about the leave plan in fear and trembling, the boss replied with a word “yes”. It was really a personality explosion. In return, the souvenirs selected for everyone in Bangkok were given extra care…….
After booking tickets, I actually wanted to give up, because the annual leave was really limited, but I wanted to go to too many places and preferred them, and Thailand was not even within the scope of my understanding and liking.
My best friends usually propose to eat Thai food, but I usually oppose it (except to eat curry crab in banana leaves). I really can’t love the taste of Thai food.
I don’t like to pray for God and Buddha, but Thailand is a strong Buddhist country, afraid of aesthetic fatigue after a day or two.
Grandma once said: My little cousin is already in high school, and my uncle especially wants to have another daughter, but he has not been able to do so. Later, he went to Thailand and made a wish in front of the Buddha on all sides-give me a daughter… Before long, my little cousin arrived… It was just… there was a little problem with the neurological function of my right hand and right leg when I was born, so my uncle has been rushing about in various therapeutic and physical therapies for many years. Grandma said that her daughter came for help and was really a daughter……
Fortunately, with the love and care of all, my little cousin is now healthy, smart, sensible and lovely.
At that time Doudou thought: Maybe Thailand’s wish is very clever?
At that time Doudou also liked singer Fang Jiwei, who is now half converted to Buddhism. A song “Complaining about Heaven Changing Heart” was filmed in Thailand. The cold lyrics and ethereal tunes fluttered in thousands of pagodas. This is my deepest impression of Thailand.
How much helplessness does it take to complain that heaven has changed its heart?……
If I meet you and you are young, exchange your deepest feelings with your truest heart.
如果让我遇见你 而我依然年轻 也相信 永恒是不变的曾经如果让我离开你 而你已能平静 只愿你放心 也不要你担心如果让你离开我 假装我也平静 就算是伤心 也当作是无心时空阻隔岂止长路迢迢 情丝缠绕岂是长发飘飘….. To Thailland因为有比豆豆靠谱的人张罗,在漫长的半年多时间里,豆豆只是一搭没一搭地翻着泰国的一些文字和图片。然后,居然喜欢上了这个国度,这种喜欢,叫慢热。甚至,一向不喜历史的豆豆居然研究了下泰国历史(用历史爱好者彤彤的话说,看过中国历史,泰国历史小菜一碟)。甚至,喝醉了爱不言不语倒头就睡的豆豆,居然在意识不清时,还念叨了几句泰国历史……出发准备工作很轻松,主要工作居然是找准备与环境搭配的衣物和配饰(是有多爱拍照哇)
;朋友结结实实地做了45页的攻略,豆豆草草地看了两眼,云淡风轻地建议:可不可以去四季酒店喝个下午茶?行程中为啥没松德寺哇?攻略实在太长,出发前也懒惰没看完,也懒得打出来背着,存在手机里,就出发啦。八天的计划行程:前三天在清迈,中间三天在普吉,最后两天在曼谷。横跨泰国的南北和中心,时间紧张,行程紧凑,所以,算下来,要飞六程……人算不如天算,等着上曼谷的灰机前,豆豆悲催地发现:某个向来大牌,从不准时的亲戚跟来了,于是,所谓的massage、spa、swimming,diving,于我,皆浮云……因此及其他原因,豆豆的非典型的泰国旅行演绎为:跟大家一起的(三天清迈,一天普吉),独自行走的(两天大城,两天曼谷)……半夜上了灰机飞曼谷,听着鸟语般的泰语和想着自己零落的英语,就想睡觉吧。而邻座,是一位看起来像泰国人的大叔(比较黑,你懂的);刚准备闭眼,大叔说:MM是在泰国上学么?听好了哦,不是英语,不是泰语,是标准的台湾腔国语哦。不得不说,这个搭讪很受用哇,豆豆突然就来了精神说话,不过也有老黄瓜刷绿漆的小不好意思,只能如实回答:那个……我工作很多很多年了……(外加不好意思地扯了扯自己的幼稚白色帽衫)就这样聊了起来。豆豆很怕又热又闷的天气,很容易喘不过气来。大叔说,不用担心,泰国热虽热,不过不闷啦,不像广州的夏天……Oh yeah,我喜欢!大叔说自己是在泰国近二十年的台湾人,孩子都要回台湾上大学了。不过言谈之中能感觉到一家人对泰国的习惯和热爱。问大叔:你觉得泰国哪里最棒?大叔说:苏梅岛。还比较本色,海也特别好。在豆豆去了普吉之后,看着满沙滩的躺椅和那么多的东西方游客,想起大叔说的苏梅岛,瞬间明白,为什么他会那么喜欢。说着说着就到了曼谷。大叔说,回头到曼谷可以找他,一起去唐人街吃饭……呃……也许我真是好人一枚,所以才会出门总遇上好人贵人哇……
凌晨两三点下了灰机,夏天扑面而来,潮湿,小闷热,大叔,你说错啦。然后就等早上六点的灰机去清迈。就这样,十几个小时,豆豆连着飞了三程,拖着疼痛的身体和缺觉的大脑,在3月11日的早晨降临清迈。我从远方赶来,赴你一面之约……不要告诉我你不知道清迈(真不知道也没关系啦,我几个月前也不知道,嘿嘿)邓丽君总该知道吧,她很喜欢清迈,17年前,在清迈翩然离去…… 泰国旅游小tips:关于签证:淘宝找个靠谱旅行社的商城店,250元+2张2寸照片+护照,一星期左右就能搞定!关于泰铢:出发前可上中国银行兑换(汇率大概1rmb=4.86bath,我花钱都是一律除以5,然后就会觉得什么都便宜),大点的中行不需预约,小点的需提前预约;泰国各地也遍地都是支持银联的ATM,据说汇率也按当日结算,每笔收十几块的手续费;购物刷卡也方便; 关于交流:泰国人民英语水平和普及还是不错的,遇上不会的也没关系,因为他们超热心和友善,八成都会找身边会英语的人跟你交流,万一都不会也没关系,还能比活嘛。自己英语水平soso也没事,比如,豆豆经常使用一种句式:this, and this,and mix….水果实在太多,实在不知道牛油果等怎么说,指着说this就好啦,此句式也适用于点餐,比如炒饭炒面炒粉之类的,谁让豆豆把什么鱿鱼大虾的英文全给忘了也懒得查呢?在泰国想坐湄南河轮渡,又不知道湄南河怎么样说,懒得掏出手机查攻略,心想反正曼谷就一条鼎鼎有名的大河,直接问路人,riverside 怎么走?都能懂
,当然,跟当地人深入交流,这是不行滴。 关于住宿:泰国旅游发达,个人觉得除了资源相对紧缺的pp岛,非西方和泰国重大节日,其实都可以到了再说,反正从便宜到贵的都有; 关于电话:如果觉得漫游太贵,可在机场要上一张电话卡(豆豆拿的是ture卡,泰国几家运营商,资费有差异,不过都便宜),泰国遍地都是7-11,随时可以充值,**中国电话普通话质3毛钱一分钟,超好话质6毛,然后就会觉得中国移动除了坑爹还是坑爹…… 关于上网:基本上酒店都有wifi,所以豆豆后半程都是晚上手机上上网,把第二天的计划给定了。 关于饮食:泰餐比较重口味,不过后来居然很喜欢。如果不适应,就说no spicy,口味就正常啦。 关于气候:热带季风气候。地处热带,全年炎热潮湿。分为热、雨、旱三季。热季:3~6月,闷热;雨季:7~10月,多雨并可能有水灾;旱季(凉季)11~次年2月,少雨气温适宜,适合旅游。不过西方游客也很多。
Thailand’s Major Tourist Destination
Bangkok, Bangkok-A busy capital, has everything to eat, drink and have fun.
The big city Ayutthaya-an ancient city with a long history, a world cultural heritage and the ancient capital of Thailand.
ChiangMai, a famous city in northern Thailand and a cultural center in Rana. Tourism, leisure and summer resorts.
Chiang Rai ChiangRai-Enter the Golden Triangle Gate.
Sukhothai, the First Capital of Thailand
Pattaya Pattaya-Tourist resort, overdeveloped
Phuket Island Phuket-Tourist Resort, Saturation of Development
Samui, Samui Island, a tourist resort, is praised by many people.
Krabi, a New Tourist Resort
Huahin–A New Tourist Resort
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